
電吉他 EG

The home of Gibson electric guitars today is "Gibson USA," built in 1974 in Nashville specifically for the production of Gibson's Les Paul guitars. Although the entire guitar industry went through a slump in the late '70s, the spirit of innovation remained strong at Gibson. Today's Gibson electric guitars represent the history as well as the future of the electric guitar. 

In response to numerous customer requests, PRS is pleased to offer the services of the PRS Tech Center (PTC). The PTC provides factory repairs, set-ups, electronics upgrades, finish touch-ups and other services to the PRS family of players.
  The PTC staff are all highly skilled PRS craftsmen with many years of experience working in the Paul Reed Smith factory. Our knowledge encompasses all aspects of guitar construction and repair. No outside contractors are used for PRS factory repairs. Only PRS guitars will be accepted by the PTC. Guitars from other manufacturers cannot be serviced at our facility.

Ibanez (アイバニーズ) is a Japanese guitar brand owned by Hoshino Gakki. Based in Nagoya, Aichi, Japan, Hoshino Gakki were one of the first Japanese musical instrument companies to gain a significant foothold in import guitar sales in the United States and Europe, as well as the first brand of guitars to mass-produce the seven-string guitar and eight-string guitar.

SCHECTER可以算是金屬吉他裡一個眾所皆知的老牌子,他們已經有超過30年的歷史了。雖然他們並不僅僅製作只適合重型音樂的吉他,但是無可非議的,SCHECTER所生產的一系列金屬吉他在最近幾年來迅速的在各個國家的樂器市場中暢銷。As Schecter Guitar Research moves into its 35th year of business, it has solidified its elite status as one of the world’s premier guitar companies, offering electric guitars and basses, acoustic guitars, and USA Custom Shop instruments to musicians around the world in more than 150 countries.  Its continually evolving and expanding line of guitars and basses appeals to a broad spectrum of players and diverse musical styles.  Its core business practice offers high-quality instruments with professional components at an affordable price.  One of the company's strongest assets is its growing roster of high-profile artists, including Disturbed, Avenged Sevenfold, The Cure, Papa Roach, Seether, Prince, Stone Temple Pilots, Nevermore and Black Label Society

全豐育樂用品在1995年成立Farida品牌。Farida 是希臘神話的海神,她帶有熱情、美麗的元素,當時取這個名字,希望為我們帶來幸運與成功。由於美國與德國、日本等客戶,對於品質、技術的要求非常嚴格,經由這些嚴格焠鍊後,全豐育樂用品廠匯總了世界級的技術菁華與生產經驗,才能有今天的 Farida 。全豐育樂是目前世界生產全單板吉他工廠中,排名世界前三名,並為國外品牌所製造的木吉他及電吉他,多次獲得國際音樂專業媒體雜誌大獎與報導,包括:GUITARIST、GUITAR BUYER、ACCOUSTIC GUITAR、GUITARG ONE、GUITAR-PLAYER等雜誌的高度評價。

With an illustrious history dating back to 1946, Fender has touched and transformed music worldwide and in nearly every genre: rock ‘n’ roll, country and western, jazz, rhythm and blues and many others. Everyone from beginners and hobbyists to the world’s most acclaimed artists and performers have used Fender instruments and amps, in the process making the company not only a revered music industry name, but also a cultural icon. 


良質な素材と、優れた加工技術はもちろんの事、使用する各部のパーツに至るまで最上位機種と同等の仕様を採用。内部電装パーツもCTSポット、 Switch Craftジャック等、一切の妥協を廃しトータルクオリティーを追求しています。ピックアップも上位機種に採用されているアルニコマグネットのYUTA シリーズを搭載しています。

Published monthly since 1986, each huge issue of VG is packed with articles to inform, entertain, and save you money, with information and histories of the instruments and the people and companies that built them, great interviews with the top players of today and yesterday and the instruments they use, the secret repair tips of the experts, pricing info, and much more! And Vintage Guitar has thousands and thousands of vintage, classic, used and new guitars, amps, accessories, books, videos and more for sale or trade from all the top dealers.

Tokai Guitars Company Ltd., is a Japanese guitar manufacturer founded in 1947 and situated in Hamamatsu city, Shizuoka prefecture. Tokai have produced acoustic guitars, electric guitars, electric basses, autoharps, and melodicas. Tokai first started making classical guitars in 1965 and started making Hummingbird electric guitars in 1968 and Hummingbird Acoustic guitars in 1970.

主要業務:樂器、專業音響、AV產品、音樂軟體、教材之銷售 / 音樂教室經營與管理 / 維修服務